Nailed It! 2015: Bah Humbug Edition

Opinion Picks

The Pantheon did not have a good week. There were only two points scored last week (those will be highlighted next week), and real life things got in the way again. Anyway, I realize this is late, but there is still time! Call your shots for this week, and let’s hope we can do better than two points.

Enough of my rambling, bring on the games!

The Games

As always, here is the slate for next week’s games. Simply copy and paste it to the comments, and add your predicted scores after the team names. (Substitute scores for the XX and YY.)

  • Jacksonville Jaguars XX @ New Orleans Saints YY
  • San Francisco 49ers XX @ Detroit Lions YY
  • Chicago Bears XX @ Tampa Bay Buccaneers YY
  • Carolina Panthers XX @ Atlanta Falcons YY
  • New York Giants XX @ Minnesota Vikings YY
  • Green Bay Packers XX @ Arizona Cardinals YY

Once you have called your shots down below, please update the spreadsheet. Here is the link.  (Only update the cells in your own column.)

The Official CYST Spreadsheet

Because this was posted so late, I will give everyone until halftime of the early games tomorrow to call their shots.  If they are not in the spreadsheet by then, it will be locked, and they will not be included.

Good luck! And I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas!