Combine Call It Competition


The NFL off season has officially begun.   Armchair scouts and MMGMs have come out in full swing, though no one is sure what to make of their credentials.  To help with this problem and add another platform for bragging rights, I am introducing a series of off season competitions to see who really watches the best Youtube highlights, and who knows the most about the NFL as a whole.

The first competition will focus on the NFL Rookie Combine.  Below is a series of categories for you to call your shots, the points given for each correct answer, and also the inspiration for the category.  Some of the contests will not be clear right away, but since this will be an ongoing competition, they will eventually be counted.  The winner will not be clear until the end of the off season, but I will write up an article about the early leaders after the combine, as well as laying out a few more competitions.

Below are the different categories that you have to choose from, and a basic description as to how you earn points as well.  Best of luck to you all.

The New Jeff Ireland-   10 points, only 1 guesszfys

Jeff Ireland asked Dez Bryant if his mother was a crack whore during the combine, and everyone was amazed by Ireland’s dickish blunt incompetence afterwards.   We can only hope to have such incompetence displayed again this year. Which GM makes the biggest ass of himself this year?  You get one guess in this competition.

Minnesota Draft Board  5 points each correct guess, maximum 3 guesses

Every year some morons manage to fail a pre scheduled UA.   Most of the time these players get drafted by Minnesota.  Who do you think will not be able to put the bong down before the combine?  You will get 5 points for each correct guess (maximum of 3 guesses) and double points if any of them get drafted by Minnesota.

Don’t Play School-    5 points for player and extra 5 for the closest score  

Morris Claiborne had a score of 4 on the Wonderlic.  He claims that he just walked out midway through the test and really did not try.  His on field performance has more mirrored his poor Wonderlic assessment.  Who this year will raise some red flags with their lack of cognitive ability?  You have one guess as to who scores less than 10 on their Wonderlic exam, and has their score leaked.

School Player-  5 points for the correct player, an additional 5 for closest scorezfys1

Fitzpatrick managed to finish the test in 9 minutes, and scored a 48 on the test.  Who will rock the Wonderlic this year?    You get one guess as to who, and also include their score.  You will get 5 points if you select the right player, and an additional 5 points if you have the closest score to their test.

Rookie Strong Man Competition 5 points for the correct name, an extra 5 for the closest to the actual number

Who wins the NFL Combine strong man award?   If you guess the player that puts up the most bench reps you will earn 5 points.  If you can guess the number (or be the closest guess) you earn an additional 5 points.   You only get 1 guess for this.

zfys2The next Raiders draft Pick- 5 points for correct prospect, additional 5 points for closest time

Al Davis was known for always drafting the player with the fastest 40 time.  Maybe his kid should start imitating his father, because he seems to suck at his job worse than the crypt keeper did in his later days.  You only get one guess as to who is going to have the fastest 40 time in the draft, and include the time in your answer.

Combine Collapse-  5 points, maximum of 3 guesses

Every year there are a few players whose draft stock plummets because of a poor combine performance.   Who will be the combine loser(s) this year?  You get 3 guesses for who you think will fail to show up prepared for their “job interview”.

Freak of the Weak-  5 points, maximum of 3 guesses zfys3

Every year there is a few players whose combine performance will rocket them up on peoples draft boards.  Many times they were under used in their colleges or are just “raw” for their positions, but the potential that they show in their physical ability will have GMs salivating over them.  Who will be the greatest workout warrior this year?  You get up to 3 guesses for this category.

Here is an easy recap of the options for you to cut and paste.  Best of luck.

New Jeff Ireland: 10 points (1 guess as to which GM makes an ass of himself)

Minnesota Draft Board:  (Maximum of 3 guesses as to who fails their UA)

Don’t Play School:  (1 guess for who gets the lowest Wonderlic score (include score))

School Player: (1 guess for who gets the highest Wonderlic score (include score))

The Raiders Next Draft Pick is: (1 guess for the person with the best 40 time, include 40 time)

Rookie Strong Man Competition:   (1 guess for the person with most bench reps, include the number of reps)

Combine Collapse:  5 points for each correct guess  (maximum 3 guesses)

Freak of the Week:  5 points each correct guess, (maximum of 3 guesses)

If you call it, I will tally it.   Post your answers below, and best of luck to all that participate.

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